Introducing Treat, Please!

Introducing Treat, Please!

One day, I was sitting on the couch with my little loaf Trixie, watching her lick my hand over and over, so I would keep petting her. It made me think about all of the ways she would get me to do things for her, like standing by the front door so I would take her for a walk or groaning at her food bowl so I would feel guilty and feed her an early dinner. Trixie thought she was soooo smart and that I’m very easily manipulated (not wrong). Her sass and silliness inspired me to create Treat, Please!, coming soon from Solis Game Studio!

In Treat, Please!, each player takes on the role of a different dog competing for attention from “the human” with the goal of becoming the most spoiled doggo in the house. In the game, you play behavior cards from your hand like Boop the Human with your Snoot or Stare Longingly at the Fridge to get attention from the human. Attention is used to complete objectives, like Get Belly Rubs, Go to the Dog Park, and lots of other fun things you hope to accomplish as a dog!

Trixie has brought an immeasurable amount of joy and love into my life. One of my favorite parts of playtesting has been hearing players talk about their dogs and seeing connections form between complete strangers over their shared love of dogs. My goal is that Treat, Please! will encourage players to reminisce about all of the fun and silly memories they have with the dogs in their lives.

Next time, I’ll dive into the mechanical inspiration for the game. Follow the Kickstarter which goes live October 22nd, 2024! — Courney Shernan